Zach Krause’s “What You Want” will put you in your feelings
Fresh to the pages of Xintyn today is emerging Portland-based artist Zach Krause with his latest release “What You Want.”
We sat down with the young artist to talk about his come-up and his current state, Tune in to Zach Krause’s latest release below, and keep scrolling to read our exchange with the rising star.
Who is Zach Krause?
Zach Krause is a motivational artist and curator. With inspirations from grunge rock to R&B soul. As a small child I was always dancing and singing to Lou Vega and later on singing to bands like Godsmack and Pearl Jam. “In the cradle my mom played queen and Tracy Chapman a lot”
What is your creative process?
A lot of the time when I create I do it in the moment, I let the emotions paint a picture. Sometimes when I feel un inspired I will write whenever and wherever.
Inspiration behind ‘What You Want’?
The inspiration behind the song is a lot of different things. But to make it simple, it was like everyone in your life asking something from you. Good or bad. Sometimes I make mistakes, but it is that awareness that helps me get better everyday with relationships, family, friends, Etc.
What do you like to do outside of music that contributes to your musicality?
I love to workout, play some video games and work. It is all about the process. That is in music, making money, having a following. It is all process. Keeps me motivated.
Stream Krause’s latest project “7th Ave” below: