After the massive success of his single ‘Sasuke Uchiha’ and collaborating with artists like XXXTENTACION (RIP), Ski Mask The Slump God, & Global Dan, NYORA SPOUSE is undoubtedly on his way to the top. Despite his recent accolades and successes, the Floridian emcee has been working at his dreams for a minute and is finally watching them come to fruition.
We sat down with the young artist to talk about his come-up and his current state, Tune in to Nyora Spouse’s latest release below, and keep scrolling to read our exchange with the rising star.
Nyora Spouse is an artist and the CEO of Hanzon. (hanzon.net + @hanzonmerch) I was born in London, England and moved to south florida when i was 12. Growing up in South Florida shaped me as a artist. My life style and experiences fueled my passion for art and creating art. I grew up with alot of south florida artist and it’sgreat to see florida shinning. Music has been an passion for as long as i can remember. I first started recording & mixing music when i 15 and from there i kept perfecting my craft and i will continue to. Music is life for me, my escape, my expression and so much more.
If i’m not working on music then i’m working on my clothing line Hanzon. (hanzon.net + @hanzonmerch)
What’s the story behind your name?
My artist name is a play on my legal name. Nora is Aaron backwards and Spouse is a synonym for my last name. I added the y in 2016 and changed to nyora spouse to remind myself to never stop searching for answers, always ask why!
Inspiration behind ‘ALEXA’?
I was smoking good talking to alexa! My friend bought me an alexa as a gift and after smoking alot and trying it out i thought that bitch was pretty cool. I love south park and i remembered the episode where they were all asking alexa to say funny shit. That was what inspired the song. At the time i was previewing beats from 404 and after playing one of the beats he sent me a few times i knew i had a hit. I wanted to pay homage to south park so i sampled that episode on the outro and based the artwork on a screenshot. I recorded mixed and mastered the song myself and i plan on dropping a music video for the single.
What do you like to do outside of music that contributes to your musicality?
Live my best life. That can mean doing things to help me relax and feel like a king, or trying something new or seeing a new place. I gain inspirations from my everyday experiences, smoke alot, and i always gotta make sure im smoking great. I love rolling joints and taking dabs. Besides music n fashion design, i spend my time like any other 21 year old. I love video games, watching hulu/netflix, hanging out, sports and traveling.
When can we expect new music from you?
All the time. I always try to drop as much content as possible. I plan on dropping some new music September 7th 2018 and my new project shortly after!
Nyora Spouse’s Instagram, Twitter & shop: hanzon.net