Justend’s recently released single “No Dynamite” captures the indescribable feeling of frustration, and conveys a deep sense of emotion. Moflo_music‘s melodic blueprint paves the perfect path for a melancholy record, and compliments the vocal performance flawlessly.
Justend, What’s the story behind your name?
The story behind my name is quite interesting. I was sitting at my computer for hours trying to figure out a stage name, stressed as hell when I thought “I wish this (my search for a name) would JUST END” and then it came to me, JUSTEND. So, I ran with it because it’s unique but also not too far off from my real name “Justin”.
Who is Justend?
I’m just an 18 year old from Long Island who loves to make music. I’m passionate about my craft. I’ve been in love with music since I was a little kid in the back seat of my dad’s car listening to hip hop on the radio. I’m just someone who’s eager to show the world my take on music and who I am as a person. I want my art to suck people into my universe.
Inspiration behind ‘No Dynamite’?
I was in High School, going through a lot and I made the song to basically signify that I wanted the stress to end and wanted things to stop going wrong.
When did you started making music?
I started making music when I was 13. I recorded my first songs with my earphones on Garageband, until my friend invited me to her studio and I recorded an actual song. Than, I got a mic when I was 14 for Christmas and started taking music seriously. I worked fast food for a year to get money to buy beats off YouTube, until I found producers to work with on SoundCloud.
Who are your favorite musicians?
It’s really hard to say who my favorite musicians are. I like a lot of different music. However some musicians that have definitely inspired me are definitely Tupac, Kanye West, Akon, Prince, Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson. The Smiths, Toro Y Moi, T Pain, D’Angelo, Pink Floyd, Radiohead and so many more.
Get familiar with Justend by streaming his unforgettable single below.