Abhi The Nomad Interview
You ever hear a track that makes you seethe with excitement? Well, if not, California artist Abhi The Nomad can help with that in his new release Run.
With an ever-increasing population of fans and a one-of-a-kind academic aesthetic, the future has been looking bright for the 23-year-old artist.
We sat down with the young artist to talk about his come-up and his current state, Tune in to Abhi The Nomad’s latest release below, and keep scrolling to read our exchange with the rising star.
How has your 2018 been so far?
Good! released my debut album, about to do a tour and did a mini-tour back in May so can’t complain.
What do you do when you’re not making music?
Playing Super Smash Bros, intensively. Trying to get better on the newest release. Hard stuff
Who are your dream collaborators, any genre, alive or dead?
Honestly, Beck? He’s quite a popular Alternative artist.
What’s one thing you wish people knew about you?
I’m very sensitive.
What advice would you give to yourself when you were at your lowest?
Stop being a wuss, history has proven things will get better.
What do you believe (if anything) separates you from your peers?
I’m extremely hardworking. I literally don’t stop from 8 AM to 7 PM, working on music, graphics and planning for upcoming projects. Thats the only way this industry pays off.
Also, I don’t party or hang out with anyone. Like ever lol, I don’t know if thats good or bad
What’s your earliest memory of performing?
When I was 14, I covered Fort Minor’s “Remember the Name” at a high school talent quest. It was awful
What’s the one thing you’ve learned since you came up?
To stop taking myself super seriously.
At the end of the day, there are people out there running into gunfire and armed explosives getting paid less, so I’m not really an essential piece of the puzzle.
Currently you’re on tour, What’s the best and worst part of being on tour?
Not on tour just yet, but will be in 2 weeks. However, I can say that the best part is being able to interact and perform for fans that are wanting to hear the music, it’s a wild experience. The worst part is the travel, Ive been traveling every 3 years for 25 years and I got over it a while ago
Inspiration behind ‘RUN’?
I never really released a track where I just BARRED out and represented my hometown, and it’s a hip-hop rite of passage.